Writing is Important!!

Writing is a HUGE part of modern society. It has such a big part in our world, that most people probably don’t even recognize it. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to do the things we normally do every day. Writing is how popular books came to be, famous movies to be nominated for Oscars, artists to have award-winning songs, the list could go on and on.

Did you know, J.K. Rowling wrote down all the ideas of Harry Potter on scraps of paper? It was in cursive too, which also led these scraps into MASSIVE amounts of notes. But, little did she know how big Harry Potter was going to affect the world. Now, almost everyone in the world has heard the name, Harry Potter.

Scientists and doctors are writing down new antidotes or vaccines for diseases in the modern world. Like, the coronavirus, cancer, all different illnesses. But, if writing didn’t exist, the population would become extinct as we know it. All of the deadly diseases would overrule society. So, even though people are dying from diseases, scientists are writing down what they can so that no one can become deceased from the sicknesses the world has.

Take Taylor Swift, for example. In the documentary, Miss Americana, it shows how Taylor writes all of her songs, every single one. That takes so much creativity and experience. How would she be able to share all of her songs, if writing didn’t exist for her to jot the lyrics down? She is one of the most famous contemporary singers, imagine a world without those songs.

Writing IS important in this world. Many people don’t know it, but it helps with pretty much everything. Sicknesses are being tested for vaccines and antidotes. Why? Because scientists and doctors are writing down solutions to cure these diseases. J.K. Rowling is one of the most well-known authors ever, yet she wrote down the idea of Harry Potter in scraps of notes. If there was no ability of writing, she would just be another face in a large crowd.

Writing is important!! Without it, nothing would be possible in this society we live in.

Written By: Alivia 7/15/2020

3 thoughts on “Writing is Important!!”

  1. yes I agree!! Writing is super important!! I loved this little reflection. Great job! (I also love how you updated your blog! (especially the header image))
    ~ Julia

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